Event offering alignment (20%) - The degree to which the event fits within the city’s calendar, delivering a balanced calendar of events and filling in gaps in the shoulder seasons (Autumn and Spring). This includes date and uniqueness of event concept (is the event unique to Ōtautahi, not an event duplicated elsewhere in the city or surrounds). Events that are free to attend or have significant free aspects will be prioritised.
Community involvement (20%) - The extent to which the event actively involves and connects with community groups, highlighting the distinctiveness of our uniquely Ōtautahi communities. This includes providing lasting benefits to the city, such as supporting local suppliers, fostering community development, promoting local talent, and collaborating with other events to share resources (where appropriate).
Environmental sustainability (15%) - The degree to which the event employs environmentally sustainable practices and reduces their environmental impact.
Accessibility (10%) – The degree to which the event is accessible eg cost to attend, multiple transport options, mobility access, companion ticketing.
Organisation capability and application standard (20%) - The level of detail and completeness of the information provided, as well as the demonstrated capacity of the organisation to deliver the event. For an existing event, how effectively the event has been run in the past.
Financial viability (15%) - The extent to which the event is supported by external organisations (e.g., commercial sponsorship, ticket sales, non-Council grants), reducing its reliance on Council funding, with the aim of becoming financially self-sustaining in the long term. This includes consideration of benefits to the local economy.